Comité de Salud Pública en las Montañas Rocosas
September 9th - 11th, 2025
Building Resilience: Public Health in the Heart of the Rockies
Keystone, Colorado
El Comité de LÃderes Emergentes involucra a estudiantes y profesionales principiantes. Representan la amplitud y variedad del campo de la salud pública en el esfuerzo de CPHA para educar, desarrollar y estimular a la comunidad de salud pública de Colorado. El Comité de LÃderes Emergentes es un gran trampolÃn hacia la fuerza laboral de salud pública de Colorado. ¡Le animamos a aprender más sobre el Comité de LÃderes Emergentes!
Public Health in the Rockies ( PHiR) has been a fixture of the Colorado Public Health Association since 2019.
The purpose of the PHiR Conference is to provide an opportunity for education, networking and skill development of professionals in Colorado, and neighboring regions. PHiR is designed to build a more competent public health workforce while offering networking opportunities for students and established Public Health professionals.
The Colorado Public Health Association invites you to submit an abstract for our annual Public Health in the Rockies Conference to be held September 9th -11th in Keystone, Colorado. More information to come.