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Comité de Salud Pública en las Montañas Rocosas

Conozca a nuestro equipo de liderazgo

Nuestro increíble equipo es la fuerza vital detrás de nuestro trabajo. Desde la organización de eventos de networking hasta la gestión de campañas en las redes sociales, nos ayudan a hacerlo todo. 

El equipo de liderazgo de ELC representa y aboga por la participación de profesionales de la salud pública nuevos o en transición en la CPHA. Los delegados participan en CPHA a través de sus comités principales en roles de liderazgo para garantizar que la nueva voz profesional de la salud pública se integre en todos los aspectos de CPHA.


El propósito general del puesto de Delegado es adoptar una combinación de enfoques para brindar a los profesionales de carrera temprana, trabajadores de salud pública no tradicionales y estudiantes una exposición sólida a la naturaleza multifacética de la salud pública.

Call for Delegate Applications!


We are looking for delegates to be a part of our team to build a public health movement with the Colorado Public Health Association (CPHA).  


As an ELC delegate we expect you to represent the ELC and actively participate in BOTH ELC and a CPHA Committee. The delegates play an important role working with each of the CPHA committees and also serve as a connection point for new emerging leaders who are interested in the ELC and our association. AND at the end of your term you will receive a ELC Delegate certification and LinkedIn badge! 


ELC Delegate Expected Time Commitment: 

~ 2 hours/month: Monthly ELC and CPHA committee meetings

Events Meetings: Public Health in the Rockies – 3rd Friday from 11 – 12 pm

     Culture of Data – 2nd & 4th Thursday from 3 – 4 pm

Policy Meetings: 1st & 3rd Monday from 8 – 9 am

Public Health Nursing Meeting: 4th Wednesday from 12pm – 1 pm

Finance Committee Meeting :4th Tuesday from 3 pm - 4 pm

Emerging Leaders Meeting: 1st Wednesday from 6 pm - 7 pm

~ 3 hours/month: ELC events, delegate tasks and projects  


CPHA ELC Delegate Expectations:
The ELC Delegate role is a ten-month commitment. Below are the expectations of the Delegates and the documents required to meet these expectations:

  1. Attend Monthly CPHA Committee Meetings & ELC meetings 

  2. Attend ELC events or take an active role in assisting with event planning 

  3. Delegates must be an active member of CPHA or join CPHA with a student membership upon selection. 



































ELC Applications

Application Opens: Jan 22nd, 2025 

Applications Close: Feb 4th, 2025 

Delegates Announced: Feb 11th, 2025 

Year of service February 2025-November 2025 ​



**The Emerging Leaders Committee has a 30 day drop deadline: you have 30 days upon accepting to decline your delegate position. We understand that some things may change in both your personal and professional lives and if you can no longer meet these requirements please let us know immediately.

Delegate Positions 2025-2.png
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