La Asociación de Salud Pública de Colorado brinda recursos informativos y educativos, conferencias, talleres, asociaciones comunitarias y declaraciones públicas para promover comunidades más saludables en el estado de Colorado. Al ofrecer estos recursos y oportunidades, la Asociación de Salud Pública de Colorado se esfuerza por crear un cambio positivo y mejorar la salud pública.
Established in 1938, CPHA is a 501c3 non-profit association representing Colorado’s statewide network of current and emerging public health professionals, organizations and businesses. We are the largest and oldest public health association in the State. CPHA is working to transform the health and well-being of Coloradans, providing the public health community–both individuals and organizations–a home, a forum, networks and opportunities to participate and collaborate in our core areas of work.
CPHA's vision is Optimal health for all Coloradans
Code of Conduct
Click Here to view the Colorado Public Health Association Code of Conduct
CPHA's mission is to educate, develop and galvanize the Colorado public health community.
Policies & Procedures
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Commitment to Anti-Racism
In 2020, CPHA declared that we are actively working towards becoming an Anti-Racist Organization.
Strategic Plan
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