Angie Fellers-Lemire
Public Health Nursing Seat
Angie Fellers LeMire, MS, BSN-RN is a Senior Technical Associate II with JSI, Research & Training. Angie began her Public Health career in 1998 at Denver Health Medical Center. She received her Master of Science in Nursing and Women’s Healthcare Nurse Practitioner degree in 2002 from the University of Colorado, College of Nursing. From 2002 to 2013, Angie practiced as a NP in several Colorado LPHA and CHC clinics. Angie was a Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) Nurse Consultant and Program Manager prior to joining JSI as a Senior Consultant in 2022. While at CDPHE, she directed clinical training, technical assistance, and clinic quality improvement projects for multiple statewide programs. Angie has worked with several FQHCs and local public health departments to implement sexual and reproductive health equity and trauma-informed care frameworks into practice settings. Her passions and expertise are focused on increasing access to sexual and reproductive health, healthcare services in rural populations, professional scopes of practice, and public health nurse leadership. Angie is a member of the Colorado Public Health Association Board of Directors and The Queue Board of Directors, and serves as several coalitions and workgroups.